Copyright Free Music!
+ Wavez
Royalty Free Music.
Wavez it's a totally free service of music that you can use in your Streams, YouTube videos or any other content creation. You can play it from your favorite music app or download it and play it where you want.
+ No Worries
No more DMCA claims.
Using Wavez your stream or videos won’t be demonetized and you will never receive a DMCA claim or a Copyright Strike.
+ No Fees
No hidden payments.
Wavez is totally free. No Fees.
No Subscriptions.

Wavez was created by content creators for content creators.

Start using Wavez Now

Play Wavez Music in your favorite music app or download it and play it where you want!

We are always searching for new Music

If you're a Music Producer and want your music be on Wavez Music send us a message!